Work With Me

Hi there, my name is Malisa and I’m the person behind Commuting Reads, are you interested in working with me? Let’s see how we can help each other out! I love reading, and I’ve been that way for as long as I can remember. I tend to read across a broad spectrum of genres, and I want to let others know that there are more books than those on a bestsellers list out there. Find out if we’re right to work together!

About Commuting Reads & Reviews

Commuting Reads & Reviews is a book blog that reviews, shares and recommends books across genres. From titles on the bestsellers list to those that have been out for years, and across formats like audiobooks, manga/manhwa/etc. Genres covered on this blog include (but aren’t limited to) Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult, New Adult, Thriller/Mystery and “Creature Features”.

These genres can be very saturated with popular and trending books, making it hard for readers to discover new titles they haven’t already read. As the blog grows, I aim to change that by recommending or discussing titles I’ve read and enjoyed so that other readers can enjoy them too. One book review and recommendation at a time.

Ways We Can Work Together

Professional Reader

If you like what I do with my blog, I’d love to work with you!

Reviews and blog posts range between 2 to 5 per month depending on the frequency and amount of books read. I do not use the star rating system on my blog, rather, the reviews will lean towards overall enjoyment, world-building, relationship dynamics and etc. The format of the reviews are typically single-book posts, though moving forward, lists and roundups will also be a possibility.

The reviews will be posted first on social media (Instagram) and this blog around the same time, NetGalley (if applicable) and later onto Goodreads.

Unfortunately, not all books may get reviewed or selected due to time constraints, but I will consider them for reading lists and roundups in that case.

If you’d like me to review your book, please reach out to Malisa at hello [at] commutingreads [dot] com.